November 16, 2006

Title Me!

I'm still looking for a title suggestion for my Google Searches. Any suggestions??

Anyway, here's how people found my corner of the 'net:

50s lyrics bawitdaba
(Syl says: Ok, I know Kid Rock is SO over, but he wasn’t from the 50s! Sheesh!)

how much do you have to drink to get drunk of ouzo?
(Syl says: Depends.)

sinus infections and achy feeling
(Syl says: What about it?)

mouseketeer alcoholic
(Syl says: I hate when I get a REALLY GOOD search string, and can't come up with anything to say about it!)

official swell and gee
(Syl says: Not just ANY swell and gee, mind you. OFFICIAL swell and gee)

malibu hemp
(Syl says: Best. Lotion. Ever.)

moisturizing a pork roast
(Syl says: I dunno. Malibu Hemp?)

does tequila make ya get sick
(Syl says: If ya drink enough, it will!)

sylvia hit me
(Syl says: DID NOT!)

diggy diggy bones
(Syl says: not just any bones. Diggy diggy bones!)

z pack made me sick to my stomach
(Syl says: Sorry about your luck!)

can a sneeze break a rib?
(Syl says: Dunno. Try Yahoo Answers.)

Happy Thursday.


Unknown said...

How about "Who Me Found Me"

Kind of lame but it sounds cool when you say it out loud.

And mouseketeer alcoholic???? Are they looking for Britney Spears???? If she's not an alcoholic this rate...she'll be there in no time.

Anonymous said...

Lol, your answers to the searches made me giggle. Thanks.

Here via blogexplosion.

islandarts said...

I'm here to officially say yes a sneeze could break a rib. Even if you are 7 months prego at the time.
I. need. malibu. hemp.

L said...

mosturizing a pork roast sounds perverted.

Anonymous said...

'Ogle me Google'

As for the mouskateer alcoholic.. umm..


Anonymous said...

Oh, I finally realized the 1950s bawitdaba reference..

Think 'The Marcels'.. Blue Moon, 1961..

'Bom ba ba bom ba bom ba bom bom ba ba bom ba ba bom ba ba dang a dang dang
Ba ba ding a dong ding Blue moon moon blue moon dip di dip di dip
Moo Moo Moo Blue moon dip di dip di dip Moo Moo Moo Blue moon dip di dip di dip
Bom ba ba bom ba bom ba bom bom ba ba bom ba ba bom ba ba dang a dang dang
Ba ba ding a dong ding'

I'm thinking there's a connection there.. :)

Amy said...

I LOVE Lindy's suggestion of Ogle my Google--that rules. I love word plays like that (probably why the BNL are one of my fave bands)! Come up with anything yet?

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